牛ひき肉 200g
塩 小さじ1/3
粗挽きコショウ 小さじ1/3
ナツメグ 少々
サラダ油 大さじ1
マヨネーズ 大さじ3
ケチャップ 大さじ1
牛乳 小さじ1
レモン汁 小さじ1/2
にんにく(すりおろし) 小さじ1/2
バンズ 2個
スライスベーコン(ハーフ) 2枚
卵 2個
スライスチーズ(チェダー) 2枚
バター 適量
セルクル(直径8cm) 2個
1. ボウルに牛ひき肉、塩、粗挽きコショウ、ナツメグを加え、粘りが出るまでよく捏ねる。
2. 手にサラダ油(分量外)を付けて(1)を2等分し、バンズの大きさよりひと回り大きい円形に成形し、空気を抜いて平らにする。
3. フライパンにサラダ油を引いて中火に熱し、(2)を入れる。フライ返しで表面を軽く押さえながら3分程焼き、焼き目が付いたら裏返し、弱火でさらに4-5分焼く。焼けたら皿に取り出す。
4. (3)のフライパンを再び火にかけ、ベーコンを並べて両面カリッとなるまで焼く。焼けたら皿に取り出す。
5. (4)のフライパンをキッチンペーパーで拭き取り、サラダ油を薄く引く。セルクルの内側にもサラダ油を塗ってフライパンにのせ、卵を割り落として火にかける。
Here is what you’ll need!
Otsukimi Cheese Burger
Servings: 2
200g ground beef
1/3 teaspoon salt
1/3 teaspoon black pepper
A pinch nutmeg
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 eggs
50ml water
2 bacon strips
3 tablespoons mayonaise
1 tablespoon ketchup
1 teaspoon milk
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon minced garlic
2 hamburger buns
Some butter
2 slices cheddar cheese
2 bottomless cake molds (8cm)
1. Knead well ground beef, salt, pepper, and nutmeg in a bowl.
2. Apply some vegetable oil on hands. Divide the beef into 2 portions with hands. Shape the meat to form into slightly bigger patties than buns. Make sure to release air.
3. Heat oil coated pan over medium heat, place patties (2). Press down the patties with a spatula and cook until browned on the bottom, about 3 minutes, then flip. Cook the other side for about 5 minutes over low heat. Transfer the patties to a plate.
4. Cook bacon strips on the same pan until crispy. Transfer the bacon to the plate.
5. Remove excess oil from the pan with paper towels, then coat the pan again with some vegetable oil. Coat the cake molds with oil as well. Place the molds on the pan and put eggs in. Turn on the heat.
6. When egg whites are getting set, add water, and simmer for a few minutes with a lid on.
7. Mix all ingredients for sauce in a bowl.
8. Spread butter and toast buns until golden, about 3 minutes.
9. Place buns on a plate and add patties, cheese, eggs and bacon. Put some sauce to complete the burgers.
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