ENGSUB《九妃奪後》奴婢出身鬥倒八個妃子,比皇帝大17歲,一生未能生育卻成明朝最受寵皇貴妃EP06#孙俪 #邓萃雯 #刘涛 #安以轩 #陈乔恩#赵丽颖#杨幂


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主演:#孫儷 #鄧萃雯 #劉濤 #安以軒 #陳喬恩#趙麗穎#楊冪
In the waning years of Emperor Ming of the Ming Dynasty, the Crown Prince Zhu Jian Shen selected concubines to enrich the imperial harem. They recruited girls from the common folk, including thirteen-year-old Li Ziyun. Orphaned and taken in by her uncle after her parents’ early passing, Li Ziyun, though in a tough situation, remained kind-hearted and optimistic.

To save a sick beggar, Li Ziyun was publicly abused by her aunt but was luckily rescued and taken in by the wealthy merchant Shao Zhong. In gratitude, she took the place of Shao Chunhua, Shao Zhong’s daughter, and entered the palace as a maid. There, she befriended Bai Hanxiang, a gentle and weak-willed woman who had been brought into the laundry department for a crime her father committed.

During the Tumu Crisis, Crown Prince Zhu Jian Shen was exiled to the southern gate, where the palace maid Wan Zhen’er took care of him devotedly. When Zhu Jian Shen ascended to the throne, he appointed Wan Zhen’er as a noble consort. Ling Qi Qiao, Wan Fei’s niece, became a prominent figure by Wan Fei’s side.

Chunhua and Hanxiang became musicians and both fell in love with Yang Yong, a musician seeking revenge against the eunuch Wang Zhi from the Western Depot who killed his brother. Hanxiang and Qing Zi were appointed as concubines and became pregnant, arousing the jealousy of Wan Guifei.

To protect them, Chunhua was manipulated by Ling Qi Qiao, causing a rift between Chunhua and Qing Zi. Wan Fei attempted to kill Chunhua, but Wang Zhi, who had previously received kindness from Chunhua, interceded with the emperor. Despite Chunhua’s growing affection for Yang Yong, Wang Zhi attempted to kill him.

Qing Zi, framed by Wan Guifei, sought Chunhua’s help. Chunhua’s plan led to Qing Zi giving birth to a son, and the two reconciled. As Hanxiang fell seriously ill, Chunhua arranged for her to meet Yang Yong, leading to Wan Guifei discovering their relationship and sentencing Hanxiang to death.

Wang Zhi set fire to the prison cell, allowing Chunhua to escape the palace. Emperor Xian remembered Hanxiang’s kindness and pardoned Yang Yong. Yang Yong and Chunhua eventually became a couple.


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