EIP 1559 Explained – What and Why

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EIP 1559 is one of the major changes that are merging as part of the Ethereum London Upgrade. In this video we talk about

💡Legacy transaction model (before EIP 1559)
💡The new transaction model (change 1 of 3 in EIP 1559)
💡Base fee per block (change 2 of 3 in EIP 1559)
💡Change in Block size (change 3 of 3 in EIP 1559)
💡Benefits of EIP 1559
💡Why burn base fee
💡Deflationary narrative: Ultra Sound Money

👉 Also checkout EIP 3554 explained – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SDdQV_oa6M

Further reading / resources
👉 EIP: Ethereum Improvement Proposal – https://eips.ethereum.org/
👉 Ethereum London Upgrade: https://blog.ethereum.org/2021/07/15/london-mainnet-announcement/
👉 EIP-3554: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3554
👉 Difficulty bomb estimation: https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/eip-3554-ice-age-delay-targeting-december-2021/6188/8
👉GitHub proposal: https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-1559.md
👉 Block stats data – https://etherchain.org/blocks#

00:00 Introduction
00:59 Legacy transaction model
02:22 New transaction model (change 1 of 3)
03:26 Base fee per block (change 2 of 3)
05:00 Change in Block size (change 3 of 3)
05:29 Benefits of EIP 1559
06:38 Why burn base fee
07:01 Deflationary narrative: Ultra Sound Money
08:09 Final thoughts

#eip1559 #londonupgrade #ethburning #ethdeflationary #ultrasoundmoney #eip-1559 #deflation #ethereum


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